On 16 December the NSW Government put out a new Regulation regarding workers compensation medical expenses.
Before the Regulation, all injured workers who were not receiving weekly payments on 1 January 2013 would be cut off medical payments from 1 January 2014.
The Regulation means those of you who were due to be cut off from medical expenses can continue to get certain medical expenses covered if you get pre-approval from your insurer before 1 January 2014. (Please find below the amendment with explanatory note as well as what treatments would be covered).
If you’ve had an injury and still require medical treatment but have not been in receipt of weekly compensation payments, then this applies to you should you require ongoing medical treatments.
If you had pre-approval for treatment but were unable to organise that treatment before 1 January 2014, that pre-approval should now apply.
However, if you’ve already settled your case then this does not apply to you.
Given the time of year we understand this pre-approval will be very difficult for most of you to organise.
However if you’ve been injured and are impacted by this change we strongly encourage you to organise pre-approval of any upcoming medical costs as a matter of urgency.
The regulation can be read here: Workers Compensation Amendment (Medical Expenses) Regulation 2013