Disability nurses introduce work bans at Stockton

Nurses have begun paperwork bans at the Stockton Centre, frustrated by a lack of information coming from the Department of Family and Community Services about specific group homes and related transfer arrangements for a number of residents.

Members of the Stockton Hospital branch of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) introduced the work bans last Wednesday morning, after repeated requests regarding the number and location of medical group homes planned for the Hunter area.

The branch members have confirmed no paperwork will be completed for residents transferring out of the Stockton Centre until they receive meaningful, constructive and open consultation direct from the Department.

The branch is also seeking confirmation from the Department about who will operate the Stockton Centre after June 2018.

Branch members said they had been deeply saddened by the recent news of former Stockton Centre residents dying after moving into group home settings. The branch acknowledges the NSW Ombudsman is investigating these deaths and asked to be provided with a copy of the Ombudsman’s findings, once a report is completed.

Download this media statement: Disability nurses introduce work bans at Stockton

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