Our Structure

The New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) is the registered union for all nurses and midwives in New South Wales.

Our Structure

The Association depends on the commitment of its members to make a difference. The more active and involved you are, the stronger the union. Membership empowers nurses and midwives to actively participate in shaping every aspect of their profession, from pay claims and workload relief to workers compensation and legal protection .

Active democratic branches throughout the state allow members to control their own agenda and ensure that each workplace has a voice in the Association’s direction. This chart shows how individual members can affect Association policy by getting involved.

Our Values

The NSWNMA conducts itself with integrity and courage, demonstrating creative and innovative approaches.


Actively pursue our members’ rights and influence decision makers for a fair and just society


We demonstrate a commitment to unionism by acting in unity to increase our collective power and achieve a better life for all


Embrace challenging situations to pursue better outcomes for nurses, midwives and our communities


Utilise leading edge approaches to support and represent our members and communities


Demonstrate a professional, ethical, cohesive and respectful manner in all our interactions

Join over 80,000 nurses, midwives and carers in NSW by becoming a valued member today.

You’ll automatically become a member of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation