ANF launches online aged care training room

The Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) have once again shown their commitment to older Australians and the nurses who care for them by offering aged and community care nurses a total solution to meet their continuing professional development (CPD) requirements for national registration.

Most nurses are now completing their registration renewals for 2012. An annual subscription to the ANF Aged Care Training Room will provide aged and community care nurses with their required CPD hours plus a number of other online essential resources to fulfill the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia national registration CPD requirements.

The ANF has partnered with aged care online learning experts, Moving ON Training (MOT), to create the ANF Aged Care Training Room.

“Inequity exists not just in wages but in CPD opportunities for aged and community care nurses especially those working in rural and remote areas. In developing the Aged Care Training Room were looking for a partner who shared our commitment to the ongoing education and development of the aged and community care workforce and had the experience and track record in developing and delivering aged care online education,” ANF Federal Education Officer, Jodie Davis, said.

Deb Shearman, MOT Director, said: “We commenced in 2004 and have developed over 50 aged care specific online education modules, delivered 180,000 module enrolments and to date our results from over 10,000 anonymous module evaluations consistently return a 95% plus satisfaction rating.

“Our education modules and other resources are developed by nurses for nurses and our focus is always on respecting the rights and individual needs of older Australians.”

The ANF Aged Care Training Room will provide aged and community care nurses with the depth and breadth of CPD activity and other essential resources to ensure they have the ongoing knowledge and skill base to deliver the best possible care to older Australians.

This initiative by the ANF is yet another tangible example of support for the valuable work of nursing staff in aged and community care.

Contact details
Jodie Davis Federal
Education Officer
Ph: 02 6232 6533

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