Evidence on negative health impacts from coal overwhelming

The suggestion by the NSW Minerals Council today that there is no evidence of harm from coal pollution is ludicrous, the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) said today. “In fact there is a huge body of evidence in the peer reviewed scientific literature that shows the toll from coal on a broad range of negative health impacts, including from […]

Health leaders call for action at Lima Climate and Health Summit

After the first week of the current UN climate talks in Lima, health professionals, public health experts and policy makers convened yesterday for the 2014 Climate and Health Summit. The packed program featured inspiring speakers such as Peru’s Minister of Health, Aníbal Velasquez Valdivia, the Vice President of the World Bank, Rachel Kyte and ex […]

Reliance on coal dangerous for health

Prominent health organisations from across Australia today condemned Australia’s reliance on coal citing a growing and significant body of research documenting severe health effects. “It is clear, in this day and age, that we should be phasing out coal. It is highly polluting and is causing disastrous health impacts in communities across Australia. As health […]

Abbott refusal to attend UN Climate Summit risk to national interest: health leaders

Australian health and medical leaders attending the UN Climate Summit in New York have criticised the Prime Minister Tony Abbott for refusing to attend the meeting, at which UN Secretary General is calling on political leaders of the world to “prioritise their resources and their political energy” on climate. Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) President […]

People’s Climate Mobilisation Sunday September 21

On September 21, as global leaders arrive for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s historic Climate Summit, hundreds of thousands of people will flood the streets of cities and towns around the world. Together, we will gather in solidarity to remind our leaders who they represent. Together, we will be the largest climate mobilisation the world has ever […]

Monster climate petition

A monster petition has been started, directed to the House of Representatives requesting bipartisan action for a safe climate future. You are invited to support it, by signing it yourself and encouraging others to do so. The website is www.monsterclimatepetition.com.au The Petition reminds politicians that it is “the fundamental duty of parliament to protect Australia’s people, […]

Podcasts from the seminar on Environmental Health March 2014

Podcasts from the seminar on Environmental Health 14 March 2014: Professor Barbara Sattler RN Part 1: Environmental Heatlh and Toxic Care Professor Barbara Sattler RN Part 2: Energy & Health what every nurse should know Fiona Armstrong  of CAHA: Climate Change & Opportunities for Nurses Teresa Lewis RN: Environmentally Healthy Hospitals

Federal Budget an investment in climate and health damage

The first federal budget from the Abbott government has failed to set a course for a healthy prosperous and sustainable future, the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) said today. While the federal Treasurer Joe Hockey has claimed all Australians have to do some ‘heavy lifting’ to get the budget back into surplus, CAHA is alarmed […]

ANMF urges action on climate change

Australia’s largest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), is urging renewed action on climate change after a new report has revealed its deadly impacts across the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, titled Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, states that “the impacts of climate change have already […]

Podcasts from Environmental Health seminar

Podcasts from the seminar on Environmental Health 14 March 2014: Professor Barbara Sattler RN Part 1: Environmental Health and Toxic Care Professor Barbara Sattler RN Part 2: Energy and Health – what every nurse should know Fiona Armstrong  of CAHA: Climate change and opportunities for nurses Teresa Lewis RN: Environmentally Healthy Hospitals Click to listen […]

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