Diabetes and climate change: two linked catastrophes

Rates of diabetes and climate change have been linked in a letter published on 3 February 2014 in the latest edition of the Medical Journal of Australia. “Both diabetes and climate change threaten the wellbeing of millions of people worldwide. However they are both signs of the same crisis. Our lifestyles and the economic forces […]

Health groups sound alarm on climate Direct Action

Health groups that are part of the national alliance advocating for action on climate change to protect health have sounded the alarm on the Abbott government’s Direct Action Plan, saying the proposals fail to respond to the clear evidence and advice from climate scientists and health and medical experts on risk. “The Direct Action Plan […]

Australian film attends climate summit

While the Australian government has refused to send a Minister to the global climate talks this month, an Australian film on climate, energy and health will feature in a session at the Global Climate and Health Summit being held in parallel with the United Nations global climate talks in Warsaw in November. The Human Cost […]

National Day of Climate Action

The world’s top scientists say the link between extreme weather and climate change has never been clearer. On November 17, people all around Australia will be attending the largest, most diverse National Day of Climate Action our country has ever seen. It’s never been more urgent to hit the streets and show our leaders that […]

120 records broken and counting

Australia broke 120 records over the past year. Unfortunately, these were all climate records. The Climate Council has issued Off the Charts|Record breaking September Heat and Climate Change, reporting that September 2013 was the warmest in Australian history. With January the hottest on record, the hottest summer and the hottest day, it is perhaps not […]

Climate Council summary of IPCC climate report

The Climate Council has released a summary of the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. The Council draws attention to the increased scientific knowledge in this area which has led to the following observations: There has been a 0.85°C increase in global average air temperature since the start of the 20th century. Warming […]

Securing A Clean Energy Future Commonwealth of Australia

The Australian Government’s Climate Change Plan. Scientists advise that the world is warming and high levels of carbon pollution risk  environmental and economic damage. No responsible government can ignore this advice. The Australian Government has developed a comprehensive plan to move to a clean  energy future. A price on carbon pollution will create incentives to […]

Principles and Priorities of an Industry Policy For Climate Change

ACTU The scientific evidence is clear. The present and future rise in global temperatures is significant and today’s emissions will affect the climate for decades to come. There is an environmental imperative to act but there is also an economic and social imperative. Current economic growth patterns that are dependent on fossil fuels are environmentally […]

The Independent Climate Commission Released Its Report: ‘The Critical Decade’

The report is a comprehensive synthesis of the most recent climate change science with a special focus on the Australian context. Here’s what it has to say; There is no doubt that the climate is changing. The evidence is overwhelming and clear. We are already seeing the social, economic and environmental impacts of a changing […]

What Happens With Each Degree Increase In Temperature

After a 1°C global average temperature rise, arctic sea ice would disappear for good in the summer months. Heatwaves and forest fires will become more common in the sub-tropics. The worst hit will be the Mediterranean region, southern Africa, Australia and south-west United States. Most of the world’s corals will die, including the Great Barrier […]

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