Job: Global Green and Health Hospitals Network
The Climate and Health Alliance is looking for a dynamic individual to help drive the low carbon transformation in the health sector as project officer coordinating the Pacific region of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network. It’s two days/week, location negotiable (in Aust/NZ). There is a strong possibility, for a successful and high performing appointee, that the contract […]
Pilliga Push against CSG
New trade agreement could cause further climate damage
Public Services International (PSI) comments on the newly released TiSA text that limits state control over natural resources. As Heads of State prepare to negotiate an international accord in Paris against global warming, their trade negotiators are meeting in Geneva to secretly forge a new free trade agreement that could expand fossil fuels’ exploitation and […]
Hospitals worldwide join together in fight against climate change
This week during the United Nation’s Conference on Climate Change, health system representatives from around the world have gathered in Paris to announce a series of commitments to reduce carbon emissions and exert leadership to combat climate change. More than 50 major health systems, hospitals and health organisations representing over 8200 hospitals and health centres in 16 […]
Join the Health workers contingent at the Climate March Sunday 29 November
People’s Climate March
As world leaders meet in Paris for the United Nations climate summit, we will gather in Australian cities and walk alongside millions of people in hundreds of major cities around the world. By coming together we can show that our government is out of step with the Australian community and the rest of the world. […]
Podcasts: Environmental health seminar 2015
The Environmentally sustainable practice in hospitals and community settings’ seminar podcasts Organised by NSWNMA in partnership with Southwestern Sydney LHD Friday 15 May at Liverpool Hospital Debbie Wilson, Sustainability officer at the Counties Manukau district health board, New Zealand Nurses leading the way with environmental sustainability and the ‘Global green healthy hospitals’ Chris Hill, Director […]
Health groups call for emissions cuts, no new coalmines, coal power closure
Australia’s post 2020 CO2 emissions reduction targets should cut emissions ‘as quickly as possible’, the Climate and Health Alliance has said in its submission to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet UNFCCC taskforce. The alliance of 28 health sector stakeholders has set out a schedule for emissions cuts that would see Australia reach zero […]
Health sector steps up on climate: 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge
The Climate and Health Alliance is excited to announce the launch of the 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge, an initiative of CAHA’s international partner Health Care Without Harm. Seven leading health systems from around the world have declared a commitment to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions as they kick off a global campaign to mobilise […]