Global Nurses United on asylum seekers

Nurses from the international community condemn Australia’s appalling treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. Global Nurses United (GNU), representing nurses from 21 countries on every continent, says the Australian Government’s current policy of indefinite detention, which is supported by the major Opposition party, is cruel and inhumane and must stop. It is morally reprehensible that […]

Global Nurses United mark International Nurses Week

Leading nurse and healthcare union organisations in 11 countries across the globe are holding coordinated actions during International Nurses Week to highlight the global efforts to improve patient care protections, oppose cuts in health care services and stop the erosion of nurses’ workplace and living standards, under attack in many countries. The international actions are […]

Healthcare workers in 11 countries mark International Nurses Week

Leading nurse and healthcare union organisations in 11 countries in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe are holding coordinated actions marking International Nurses Week with a call to step up efforts to promote patient safety, protect health care services and ensure access to health care for all with a common theme of ‘Health Care […]

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