
Candidates’ scorecard Angelo Tsirekas Hon Craig Laundy MP Alice Mantel Restore the health funding agenda Support our Medicare system Protect penalty rates Commit to RNs 24/7 in aged care   Find out where the parties currently stand on public health funding, medicare, penalty rates and aged care here. Campaign Materials Download these memes and share […]


Candidates’ scorecard Meryl Swanson Karen Howard John Brown Restore the health funding agenda Support our Medicare system Protect penalty rates Commit to RNs 24/7 in aged care   Find out where the parties currently stand on public health funding, medicare, penalty rates and aged care here. Campaign Materials Download these memes and share on your […]

New England

Candidates’ scorecard Tony Windsor Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP Mercurius Goldstein Restore the health funding agenda Support our Medicare system Protect penalty rates Commit to RNs 24/7 in aged care Find out where the parties currently stand on public health funding, medicare, penalty rates and aged care here. Campaign Materials Download these memes and share on […]

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