150,000 people have signed our petition because pathology cuts affect all of us

t was a nasty surprise to hear that, in the lead up to Christmas, the government announced yet another measure targeting the affordability of healthcare. This time, they’ve gone after essential pathology services and diagnostic procedures, including pap smears, MRIs, urine/blood tests, STI checks, x-rays and ultrasounds by cutting $650m from bulk billing incentive payments. […]

Podcasts: Health care and the economy April 2015

Listen to podcasts from the Health care and the economy seminar held on 23 April 2015 at NSWNMA. Political economist Dr Ben Spies-Butcher of Macquarie University talks on health care and the economy, public services and Medicare. Public health advocate Caroline Colton speaks about the effects of privatisation on health care – examining the investors, the […]

Delay in contract release shows disdain for nurses and midwives

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has expressed disappointment at the ongoing secrecy surrounding the delayed release of a multimillion dollar contract between Northern Sydney Local Health District and private operator, Healthscope, regarding the new Northern Beaches Hospital at Frenchs Forest. Despite the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 stipulating a contract must be […]

Nurses call on Liberal-Nationals to consult before hitting ‘go’ at Metford

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has expressed disappointment at the Liberal-Nationals Coalition, after it failed to outline the full details of its proposal for the new Maitland Hospital at Metford during a visit to the region today. As recently as last week, Health Minister, Jillian Skinner, confirmed to local media that Maitland and […]

What the NSW parties say…

In the lead-up to the state election on 28 March, here is what the NSW political parties say about ratios, aged care and privatisation. Download this as a pdf: What the parties say What we say… Download as a pdf: What we say

NSW Not For Sale launch

The NSW union movement is today officially launching its election campaign in Newcastle targeting the Baird Government’s privatisation agenda. Entitled ‘NSW Not For Sale’ the campaign includes strategic door knocking, phone and digital campaigning, as well as radio and television advertisements which began airing over the weekend. The campaign from NSW unions follows similar campaigns […]

Latest TISA leak signals new threat to health services

Fresh concerns have been raised by the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) over threats to the provision of health services in Australia as part of a trade deal being negotiated in secret by the Federal Government. According to a discussion paper leaked by Associated Whistle-Blowing Press, negotiators of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) […]

Local community opposes privatisation of new Maitland Hospital

Nurses and midwives from Maitland and the surrounding areas will gather for a community forum in East Maitland this evening to discuss government plans to privatise vital public services. Members of the Maitland Hospital branch of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) have joined with other community union groups to highlight the adverse impacts […]

Update on Northern Beaches Keep it Public campaign

Thank you for your continued interest in campaigning to keep the new Northern Beaches Hospital public.  Despite the fact that the government has announced that Healthscope is the successful tenderer to build and run the new facility, we will continue to campaign to put pressure on the Baird Government to keep this hospital public. At […]

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