Nurses, midwives and their patients all suffer if penalty rates cut

Nurses and midwives working in Australia’s public hospitals would receive a pay cut of over $1900 a year, while all nurses, midwives and carers working in acute and aged care would be $359 million a year worse off if their Sunday penalty rates were reduced to Saturday rates, according to a new report by the […]

Nurses and midwives stand with all workers in fight for penalty rates

Central Coast and Hunter members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) have joined with workers from the aged care, retail and hospitality sectors to defend their penalty rates against future attacks by the Abbott Government. The NSWNMA is supporting a campaign led by local unions, including United Voice and the Shop, Distributive and […]

We deserve weekend penalty rates – sign the petition

The Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Framework has handed down its draft report. Commissioned by the Abbott government, this review attacks workers’ rights by recommending a reduction in weekend penalty rates, tampers with minimum wage indexation and opens the door to removing protections around individual agreements. Download the penalty rates petition! While health […]

Concerns remain for nurses and midwives’ penalty rates

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) fears the battle for penalty rates and attacks on the minimum wage are far from over, following today’s release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report into workplace relations. Despite recommending penalty rates be maintained for essential services, alarmingly, the Productivity Commission has failed to identify whether nurses employed […]

ANMF says attack on penalty rates has begun

The country’s largest heath union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) says it is extremely concerned the draft recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s report into workplace relations threaten Australia’s current IR system. Whilst the ANMF acknowledged the safeguards for health and emergency workers for now, Federal Secretary Lee Thomas said the ANMF would never […]

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