NSW nurses and midwives join global day of action

NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) delegates and members from around the state will join Global Nurses United’s first international day of action on 17 September, as part of their ongoing Ratios put patient safety first campaign to get the O’Farrell Government to provide guaranteed, safe nurse staffing levels in all public hospitals, public hospital […]

Canadian nurses prepare for Global Day of Action

On September 17, nurses across Canada and around the world will be acting together in the first Global Nurses United (GNU) coordinated day of action. This event is part of a larger Global Day of Action which nurses are acting in solidarity with. There are 10 countries, including Canada, where actions are planned by nurses, […]

Global Day of Action – Korea

Exciting news from Korean Health and Medical Workers Union KHMU in South Korea who held their Global Nurses Union Day of Action on Saturday September 14 in Seoul (a Korean holiday prevented them from holding the action on 17 September).  More than 1000 nurses marched on the Korean National Assembly to demand an end to austerity, save the […]

Global Day of Action – Australia

September 17 will mark the first Global Day of Action for the newly formed advocacy organisation Global Nurses United – a global community of nurses and midwives formed by the leaders of 14 nursing unions around the world. For generations nurses and midwives across the world have been at the heart of health care. No matter […]

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