Health care and the economy seminar

The NSWNMA will present a free seminar on health care and the economy in Waterloo on Thursday 23 April. The day will look at economic threats to public health care and examine what is meant by sustainability. RSVP here. Download: Healthcare and the Economy

Tax debate must be about fairness not profits

Unions welcome further discussion on tax reform but the focus must be on creating a more equitable system, not a bonanza for the wealthy. Change is urgently needed as the current system is unfair and skewed to benefit the wealthy. The Government would save billions of dollars every year by reducing superannuation concessions for high […]

New report shows the TPP is bad for our health

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has welcomed the release today of a report, Negotiating Healthy Trade in Australia, which examines potential impacts of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on our health sector. Assistant General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Judith Kiejda, said the report canvassed many areas of health which could be severely impeded […]

Leaked TISA text highlights risks to health privacy

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has joined the chorus of civil society groups in raising concern over threats to health care rights in Australia, as a result of current Government policies linked to free trade agreements. This follows a second leak of draft text contained in the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), which […]

Nurses champion Robin Hood tax to shield public health from Americanisation

As the G20 prepares to meet in Brisbane this weekend, nurses and midwives from across New South Wales and Queensland have challenged world leaders to implement a Robin Hood tax (a financial transactions tax) to support universal health care systems in Australia and across the globe. The group, together with local and international affiliated union […]

NSWNMA Robin Hood Tax tour to the G20 begins in Wollongong

Local residents, community organisations and union groups gathered at Wollongong’s City Diggers this evening to discuss tax reforms that could be implemented by government to stop the privatisation of public health care services and the dismantling of Medicare. Part of a community awareness campaign run by the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), in conjunction […]

Support a tiny levy to secure public health – bring the Robin Hood tax to Australia

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has travelled to the nation’s capital to launch a public awareness campaign and garner support from Federal MPs and Senators for the introduction of a Robin Hood tax (or financial transactions tax) in Australia. Representing more than 59,000 nursing and midwifery professionals, the NSWNMA strongly supports the need […]

The Robin Hood tax and the G20

The G20 is coming to Brisbane in November and the NSWNMA is going to the G20 with our proposal for a Robin Hood tax in Australia to fund vital public services, like health. Download our booklet: Bring the Robin Hood tax to Australia. Along the way we’re stopping off in several regional centres to discuss the […]

WARNING: Trade deals threaten health care and the environment

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and the Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network Ltd (AFTINET) have called on the Federal Government to heed warnings over secret global trade deals, in particular, negotiations around the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). As G20 Trade Ministers met in Sydney, ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Brisbane in […]

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