Act for fair trade at G20 Trade Ministers meeting

If we hope to win the fight against privatisation, then we’ll need to defeat the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) and if we want to keep access to cheap medicines we need to stop the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). We’re holding a bit of street theatre to help raise awareness – come watch the fun! […]

400 nurses go, if 300 beds shut down

400 nurses go, if 300 beds shut down The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has written to NSW Health Minister, Jillian Skinner, seeking an urgent meeting to discuss the implications of the federal Budget on public health services across the State. Premier Mike Baird indicated around 300 beds would have to close from 1 […]

TPP not in Australia’s interests say 46 groups

As Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries meet in Singapore, fair trade, public health, environment, church, unions and other community groups have endorsed a letter to Trade Minister Andrew Robb. The letter calls on the Minister to reject harmful proposals in the TPP, which should not be agreed in secret negotiations. […]

TISA versus public services

Download the Public Services International (PSI) report on the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)  and the corporate agenda: TISA versus Public Services research paper.

Fair deal or no deal – Sutherland forum

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association has been asked to speak at a local forum in Sutherland on 29 April. We’ll be speaking about the threatened increase to the cost of medicines in Australia. This threat comes from attempts by US pharmaceutical companies seeking that we change our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This is yet another attack […]

Fair deal or no deal in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Public meeting at the Multi Purpose Centre 123 Flora Street, Sutherland 6.30pm for 7pm start, Tuesday 29 April 2014  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is a free trade agreement involving Australia, the US and 10 other countries. Negotiations are secret and the agenda is being driven by the US on behalf of its global corporations. […]

Public Services International marks International Women’s Day

Public Services International (PSI) joins its members around the world in celebrating women and their achievements on March 8. PSI promotes the work of women trade unionists and stands united with all of our sisters who deliver vital public services. On the eve of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which will […]

Rally this Sunday for tax justice

Why: Finance Ministers and Central Bank Managers from around the world are meeting in Sydney. At their meeting they’ll be preparing for the big G20 meeting of World Leaders in Brisbane later this year. They’ll be talking about the direction world finances should be taking into the future. The Australian Federal Government is exploring a rise in […]

Medicare on life support

General Secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), Brett Holmes, today urged all Australians who value our principle of universal health care to join nurses and midwives in defending Medicare as we know it. “Australians treasure their Medicare cards. They are an invaluable safety net which guarantees that they and their families will […]

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