ANMF offers solution for sustainable healthcare

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has offered Federal Health Minister Peter Dutton a solution to mounting pressures on the nation’s health budget: a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT). An FTT is a tiny tax of about 0.05% on banks and other financial institutions, levied on speculative investment transactions, high frequency traders and short term […]

Petition challenges foreign rights to sue our government

“Over 11,000 Australians have signed petitions against foreign investor rights to sue government over domestic laws in trade agreements,” Dr Patricia Ranald, Convener of the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network, said today. These rights are known as investor-state dispute settlement or ISDS. “Over 3000 have signed a petition over the last month calling for rejection […]

Tax Justice and Fair Trade workshops

The Association is hosting a series of workshops for delegates who are interested in campaigning for a financial transaction tax in Australia.  These workshops, called Tax Justice and Fair Trade, will also look at how Free Trade negotiations are threatening to undermine public services and our Government’s ability to regulate in the interests of health, […]

Financial transactions tax (FTT) overview

There have been relentless attacks on public services around the world over the last couple of decades – overt or covert. Public services have been slashed in the name of bringing budgets to surplus, with ordinary citizens bearing the brunt of these cuts. The solution to redress this? An FTT – a financial transactions tax of […]

Rally for healthy fair trade

What would you think of a Government that wants to make it easier for foreign-based companies to sue Australia for daring to do things like introduce the plain packaging of cigarettes or ban coal seam gas mining (fracking)? What would you think of a Government that is willing to negotiate away our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme […]

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