

you shimmering old fish

raging raging

against that inevitable tide


Though I explained

as you strained

to let loose through the catheter

“I bloody know what it’s there for…

but why don’t YOU listen!”


Crude conniving cantankerous

pale as a ghost

frightened as all hell

of that withering of control


Your arteries conspiring

no, not for a long and tender goodbye

but to burst red

in a blaze of glory

obliterating humiliation, the alternative

a slow unceremonious demise

amongst the creeping plaques and tangles


Shouting your protest

while others laugh

at you

at their own luck for now



Spitting and spluttering

“write your damn name..

you’ll probably get it wrong

no wonder, always such a hurry!”


“wait..spell it out

letter by letter

in case I have to praise someone..”


And I hasten away

this gift caught, held tight

in Kendal’s wake

forgetful of all ill


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