Day of Action to ban nuclear weapons

On June 15, more than 130 nations will continue negotiating a treaty to ban nuclear weapons at the United Nations. The treaty may be finalised by July 7. This negotiating conference has brought an end to two decades of paralysis in nuclear disarmament negotiations.

Australia, shamefully, is standing with the Trump administration and boycotting the conference, despite overwhelming public support for a ban. A government official recently revealed that while Australia won’t be in the negotiating room for this important treaty, they will be watching via the webcast.

Saturday June 17 is a National Day of Action to Ban Nuclear Weapons with events happening in 8 cities. We are celebrating the ban treaty negotiations and protesting Australia’s position.

SYDNEY Women’s March to Ban the Bomb

Saturday 17th June at 12-3pm
Jessie Street Centre at 2-12 Macquarie St

Led by women, inclusive of all!
Rally, march and BYO picnic

Featuring: Dr Helen Caldicott, Rosemary Lester (Yankunytjatjara-Anangu), Senator Lee Rhiannon, Asian Women at Work Drumming Group, Migrante Kultura and more TBA.

More details here. Facebook event here.

Organised by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom NSW and ICAN Australia, in solidarity with the NYC Women’s March to Ban the Bomb.

Parramatta is easily accessible by train. Bring your banners, friends, family and a picnic lunch for the end of the march.

Please spread this invitation far and wide. We hope to see you there to demand Australia stop taking orders from the nuclear weapons states and support a ban on these horrific weapons!

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