Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Situational Awareness

Critical thinking and problem solving are fundamental skills that are used every day by nurses and midwives. This session will provide an overview of how situational awareness and human factors are important components of our critical thinking and problem solving within our professional practice. Webinar learning objectives: To gain an understanding into Human Factors and […]

Rural, Regional and Remote Nurses and Midwives Professional Development Conference

In partnership with the NSWNMA and Charles Sturt University, we are excited to host the next Rural, Regional and Remote Nurses and Midwives Professional Development Conference in Orange. This conference aims to bring together nurses and midwives from across Australia. The program will feature contributions from industry leaders and researchers, showcasing innovative practices implemented in […]

Understanding Your Annual CPD Obligations Workshop

Are you sure that you’re meeting your annual CPD obligations as required by the NMBA? Do you create a learning plan and document your learning needs based on an evaluation of your practice against your Professional Standards every year? Do you then participate in learning activities that meet these identified needs? Do you know what […]

Communication: Clinical Handovers and Assessments

This webinar explores the importance of clinical handover and assessment, and provide an understanding your professional obligations around these areas of practice. This webinar will cover: – types of clinical handover, including bedside handover – types of clinical assessments – professional obligations in relation to handover and clinical assessment

Communication: ISBAR and tips for workplace communication

This webinar explores the importance of communication in nursing and midwifery practice, and provide an understanding your professional obligations in relation to communication. This webinar will cover: – ISBAR – how it helps with providing comprehensive health communications – 10 tips for workplace communication – Human factors in communication

Reflective Practice and Feedback

Reflective Practice is an integral part of nursing and midwifery continued practice. To improve practice nurses and midwives need to constantly evaluate the changing healthcare environment this is comprised of reflection and feedback. Reflection should be purposeful, focused and questioning to understand their experiences. Feedback is a way of communicating improvements and positive aspects within […]

Professional obligations for nurses and midwives

To hold registration as a nurse or midwife in Australia, you must adhere to the standards, codes, guidelines and frameworks set by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) – Standards for Practice, the Code(s) of Conduct, and the Code(s) of Ethics. Professional and safe practice is at the heart of our professional obligations. […]

Midwifery Seminar

An Engaging Day of Core Midwifery This year, the NSWNMA’s seminar will focus on core midwifery with an engaging program, including birth photography tips, legal advice for midwives, and a panel on caring for those outside established guidelines. The day will end with a comedy performance by a midwife. Oceane Campbell, author of Labour of […]

Health and Safety Representative (HSR) 5-Day Training

5-day Health and Safety Representative (HSR) training, 5-9 May 2025. A SafeWork NSW approved course. This course aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfil your role as a Health and Safety Representative (HSR). It Provides: An understanding of the Work Health and Safety Legislation An understanding of how it applies […]

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