The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association has been asked to speak at a local forum in Sutherland on 29 April. We’ll be speaking about the threatened increase to the cost of medicines in Australia. This threat comes from attempts by US pharmaceutical companies seeking that we change our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
This is yet another attack on the our universal health care system, one which we cannot allow to happen. It is occurring through the Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated by the Federal Government.
The forum is being held by the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre.
To find out more please attend the forum and circulate this flyer to family and friends in the area.
Sutherland’s Multi Purpose Centre
123 Flora Street
6:30pm Tuesday 29 April
For more information about the forum please contact Michael Whaites at the NSWNMA on 8595 2165.
Download the flyer: Fair Deal 29 April Sutherland