Fair Go for Workers Compensation Day

A fair go was stripped from NSW workers on 19 June 2012 when the NSW Liberal Government cut back the Workers Compensation system.

Unions NSW is declaring 19 June 2014 ‘Fair Go for Workers Compensation Day’.

On this day, invite your neighbours over for a cup of tea and a lamington or hold a morning tea at your work. Talk about what the loss of workers compensation rights and entitlements means to you and those you care about.

Send us some pictures of your event at: **@un*******.au and we’ll post them online.

If you’re in Sydney, join us at 10am – 11am on 19 June 2014 in the Strangers Lounge at the Parliament of NSW, Macquarie Street, Sydney. RSVP to **@un*******.au.

On 19 June 2014 we will also launch the results of our online survey regarding the workers compensation cuts.

For more information on the workers compensation cuts go to www.nswforall.org.au


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