John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Nursing GradStart

  • February and May 2022 intakes
  • 12 month temporary full-time positions only
  • 2 x 6-month rotations at JHCH and Maitland Hospital. In JHCH rotations can be in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), outpatients department, school room, and oncology day stay unit. In Maitland Hospital rotations can be in the paediatric ward and Special Care Nursery.
  • four educational study days throughout the year
  • provides guidance in relation to their ongoing career and professional development pathways, including interview preparation techniques, post graduate tertiary study options and career options both within John Hunter Children’s Hospital and externally.
  • After completion of GradStart program, opportunity to undertake Transition to Paediatrics program with JHCH.



Margaret Allwood
Nurse Educator
Ph: (02) 49 223372
Email: Ma**************@he****.au

Information retrieved from

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