Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District

Nursing GradStart

  • March and June intakes
  • 12-month program
  • 3 x 4-month rotations in acute care and speciality areas such as: General Medical & Surgical Ward, Rehabilitation/ Palliative Care Ward, Geriatrics, Community Child & Family, Community Chronic & Complex, Emergency, Mental Health, Operating Theatres, Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, Aged Care, Oncology/haematology, respiratory, stroke/gastroenterology, anaesthetics and recovery, antenatal ward, drug and alcohol, Cardiology, Dialysis, Intensive Care (ICU), Neonatal Intensive Care, Nepean Outreach Service, Paediatrics, Surgical (depending on the hospital).
  • Offers a mental health speciality program with 3 x 4-month rotations in Acute Unit, High Dependency Unit, Older Persons Mental Health Unit, Psychiatric Emergency Care Centre
  • Facilities include:Nepean, Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial, Springwood and Lithgow hospitals, as well as Mental Health, Community Health and Drug and Alcohol.
  • Structured 5-day face-to-face orientation program and supernumerary days in the clinical area
  • provides a dynamic environment of learning and development which allows new graduates the opportunity to consolidate clinical knowledge and skills, acquire ward management skills and work within an efficient and energetic health care team.
  • New graduates are supported by the Nurse Educator Interprofessional Education, Clinical Nurse Educator for New Graduate Nurses, and Clinical Nurse Educators in the clinical units. Ongoing education in supported with face-to-face study days and specialty education within the participants designated units.
  • Opportunity to complete Clinical Honours Transition to Professional Practice Qualification with UTAS during New Grad
  • Scholarships for Clinical Honours with UTAS

Midwifery GradStart

  • March and June intakes
  • 12-month program
  • 3 x 4-month rotations in: Antenatal Ward, Postnatal Ward, Birth Unit, Antenatal Clinic
  • Facilities include:Nepean Hospital, Blue Mountains ANZAC Memorial Hospital and Lithgow Hospital
  • Structured 5-day face-to-face orientation program and supernumerary days in the clinical area
  • provides a dynamic environment of learning and development which allows new graduates the opportunity to consolidate clinical knowledge and skills, acquire ward management skills and work within an efficient and energetic health care team.


Midwifery MidStart

  • February and June intakes
  • 12-month program at Nepean Hospital
  • Midwifery students are rostered in all clinical areas throughout the year to gain necessary AHPRA requirements for registering as a midwife.
  • The clinical areas include birth unit, antenatal and postnatal wards, antenatal clinic and the neonatal intensive care unit. Midwifery students are also attached to a midwife in the antenatal clinic for continuity of care experiences.
  • Partners with University of Technology Sydney, Charles Sturt University (only university offering mid-year intake) and Western Sydney University



Jill Barker
Acting Nurse Manager
Nursing & Midwifery Directorate NBMLHD
Ph: (02) 4734 1865 
Mob: 0422000429 
Email: Ji*********@he****.au

Information retrieved from

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