South Western Sydney Local Health District

Nursing GradStart

  • Typically, March intake but may vary depending on the hospital
  • Facilities include Bankstown Hospital, Fairfield Hospital, Liverpool Hospital, Bowral Hospital, Camden, and Campbelltown Hospitals, Primary and Community Health Service, Drug Health Service, Mental Health Service
  • 2 x 6-month rotations in Medical, Surgical, Acute Aged Care, Emergency, Palliative Care, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Cardiothoracic, Orthopaedic, Haematology, Rehabilitation, Special Care Nursery (NICU), Paediatrics, Brain Injury Unit, Ambulatory Care, Cancer Therapy, Perioperative Services – Operating Theatres, Anaesthetics, Recovery (PACU), Day Surgery.
  • 12-month program
  • Includes a committed and supportive program coordinator
  • Corporate and workplace orientation
  • Up to five (5) educational support days



South Western Sydney Centre for Education and Workforce Development Office
Email: SW*********@he****.au
Ph: (02) 8738 5920

Matthew Lamey
Ph: (02) 87386028
Email: ma***********@he****.au

Retrieved from:

Midwifery GradStart

  • 12-month program
  • Typically, March intake but may vary depending on the hospital
  • Facilities include Bankstown Hospital, Fairfield Hospital, Liverpool Hospital, Bowral Hospital, Camden, and Campbelltown Hospitals.
  • 3 x 4-month rotations in Birthing Unit, Post-natal Ward, Antenatal Clinics, Outreach Clinics
  • Provides a committed and supportive program coordinator
  • Corporate and workplace orientation
  • Up to five (5) educational support days



South Western Sydney Centre for Education and Workforce Development Office
Email: SW*********@he****.au
Ph: (02) 8738 5920

Matthew Lamey
Ph: (02) 87386028
Email: ma***********@he****.au

Retrieved from:


MidStart Program

  • February intake
  • Partners with Western Sydney University and UTS.
  • Located at Bankstown Hospital, Liverpool Hospital, Fairfield Hospital, Campbelltown Hospital.
  • Rotations through a range of midwifery units.



Matthew Lamey
Ph: (02) 87386028
Email: ma***********@he****.au
For further information

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