Sutherland Hospital

Nursing GradStart

  • February, March, and August intakes for general stream, February and April for mental health stream.
  • 2 x 6-month rotations in rehabilitation, acute medicine respiratory, surgery, orthopaedics, urology, gastroenterology, ear, nose & throat, acute aged care, acute medicine cardiology, oncology / stroke, paediatrics, operating theatres, and specialty areas including Emergency Department, High Dependency Unit and Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
  • Provides a specialised orientation to the organisation and supernumerary status at the commencement of each of your clinical rotations.
  • A certificate is provided to you following completion of the GradStart program
  • opportunities to obtain ongoing employment based on position availability and successful application
  • Upon completion of GradStart, offers specialty transition to practice program, called the Emergency and Critical Care Year (ECCY). This program provides you with the opportunity to practice nursing within Critical Care Medicine which includes Intensive Care and the High Dependency Unit, Coronary Care and the Emergency Department without any previous experience, subject to successful application.
  • Mental health stream offers the choice of 3 sites – Sutherland Mental Health Service (Sutherland Hospital campus), St George Mental Health Service (St George Hospital campus) and Eastern Suburbs Mental Health Service (Prince of Wales campus). Your preferences for employment within the Mental Health stream will be requested as part of interview process.
  • Includes rotations through MH Intensive Care Unit, Acute IPU, Sub Acute IPU, MH Rehabilitation, Psychiatric Emergency, Acute Care Team, Older Adult Mental Health Settings
  • The Mental health stream provides comprehensive orientation, induction, and supernumerary days.
  • Support from a clinical preceptor, mentor, and regular clinical supervision.
  • Seven (7) study days with a focus on discussion, critical thinking, reflection, and evidence based mental health knowledge in addition to mandatory Mental Health training days.
  • Mental Health on-line learning modules
  • Clinical proficiencies and learning opportunities / Up to date communication tools, eMR and eMEDS.
  • Opportunities to participate in the SESLHD Recovery College courses



Alison Fowler
Nurse Educator- Transition Coordinator
Ph: (61) (2) 9540 7933
Email: Al************@he****.au

For mental health stream:

Sue Garcia
Workplace Capabilities Team, Mental Health Services
Ph: (61) (2) 91134512
Mob: 0425840679
Email: su************@he****.au

Ainslie Burne/Pamela Jones
Nursing Workforce Managers, Mental Health Service
Ph: (61) (2) 9113 2293
Email: Ai***********@he****.au or Pa**********@he****.au

Information retrieved from:

Midwifery GradStart

  • February intake
  • Temporary fulltime employment
  • 12-month program
  • Offers supernumerary clinical orientation days
  • study days tailored to your clinical needs.
  • Rotations through the Women’s & Children’s Service Line (St George and Sutherland Hospital) based on their needs and our requirements. This will include rotations to gain experience in antenatal, intrapartum care as well as both hospital and community postnatal care. A specialty rotation of either group practice or outreach team midwifery may be considered.



Midwifery Educator
Ph: (61) (2) 9113 2265 

Information retrieved from:

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