Do not call me love if you have not loved me,
Shared my home, a tear, a memory.
Come to me because you want to,
Not just to fill the waking hours.
Speak to me as you would speak to your companions – with interest.
Pretend I understand your every word.
Take my hand and lead me to where I want to go, not to where you think I should be.
Do not rush me for I have no deadlines to meet, no pressing commitments to attend to.
Walk with me.
Show me your garden.
Give me sunlight to lift my spirit, a gentle breeze to caress my face, and forget.
When I scream and shout, do not be angry with me.
It is not about you.
At times my past and present just collide.
Sit with me.
Do not speak.
I can feel your presence.
It comforts me.
Do this and I will call you FRIEND.