Global Day of Action – Australia

September 17 will mark the first Global Day of Action for the newly formed advocacy organisation Global Nurses United – a global community of nurses and midwives formed by the leaders of 14 nursing unions around the world.

For generations nurses and midwives across the world have been at the heart of health care. No matter where on the planet you go, care, compassion and a solid belief in accessible, affordable health care for all are core values of the nursing profession.

It’s these values which drive the Global Nurses United agenda: to unite against austerity measures, privatisation and cuts to health care services that put communities around the world at risk.

To mark the birth of the new organisation and to kick start the campaign to protect public health, nurses and midwives across the globe will take a few minutes out of their busy day on September 17 to share a cuppa, reflect and celebrate the importance of nursing and midwifery.

Celebrate the Global Day of Action with events in your state or territory.

New South Wales

Event 1: 9.45 – 10am Meet at the Archibald Fountain We will then walk to Parliament House where Brett Holmes will receive the petitions you have collected so far. We will board buses to take you to an iconic spot where your picture will be taken. This picture will then be beamed out to all 13 Global Nurses United member countries around the world. Event will conclude at 11.30am. Light refreshments will be provided.

Event 2: 12.15 – 12.30pm Meet at the Archibald Fountain. At 12.30pm we will walk to Parliament House where Brett Holmes will receive the petitions you have collected so far. At 1pm we will walk down to Circular Quay where another iconic photograph will be taken from the deck of a Manly ferry with the Harbour Bridge in the background. This picture will then be beamed out to all 13 Global Nurses United member countries around the world. Light refreshments will be provided. At 2.45pm, we will walk to the Opera House for one more photo. Event will finish at approx. 3pm. RSVPs are essential!


  • Will be publishing newspaper ads about the Global Day of Action and the vital role of nurses and midwives in providing universal health care.
  • Will pay for cakes for branches across the state to have a morning or afternoon tea to celebrate the first GNU Day of Action and our commitment to universal health care. The Branches can do whatever they like, but we want it to be a celebration (involving cake).
  • Will hold a tree planning ceremony at the Brisbane office to mark the day of our first Global nurses union action.

South Australia

South Australia will commence bargaining meetings in all major public sector sites on September 17.

Join over 80,000 nurses, midwives and carers in NSW by becoming a valued member today.

You’ll automatically become a member of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation