Help uncover Australia’s best in aged care

Australians are being encouraged to help find and honour the nation’s leading aged care professionals by nominating them in the 2014 HESTA Aged Care Awards.

Nominations are open until Friday 30 May 2014 and the winners will share in a $30,000 prize pool, generously provided by long-term HESTA Awards supporter, ME Bank.

HESTA CEO Anne-Marie Corboy said the awards aim to find aged care professionals who demonstrate excellence, leadership and innovation.

“People working in this sector provide emotional support to their clients and families, as well as delivering services in innovative ways to help preserve the independence and dignity of older Australians,” Ms Corboy said.

“Aged care professionals typically work with clients of varying needs — ranging from those living independently, through to clients with chronic illnesses and the very frail, who require high-level care.

“We are keen to hear about the work of outstanding individuals as well as the work of health teams and organisations that have found new ways to deliver services that enhance the wellbeing of older Australians.”

The 2013 winners: Mrs Helen Williamson of NSW won the Individual Distinction Award for her 40 years as a volunteer supporting the work of the Bankstown City Aged Care facility. Mrs Williamson ran raffles to help set up the facility and has since raised more than $100,000.

RSL Care Brisbane accepted the Outstanding Organisation Award for maintaining services in its care homes following the devastating ex-cyclone Oswald flood emergency. Fifteen homes were flood-affected but most were operational again within hours or days.

Wahroonga Aged Care in Victoria won the Team Innovation Award for a pilot program to make residents feel more relaxed in a homely environment. Residents were moved out of traditional long-term care facilities into a re-modelled, self-sufficient ‘cottage’.

Finalists will be announced on 15 July 2014, with interstate finalists flown to Melbourne for the awards dinner on Tuesday, 5 August 2014.

To make a nomination before Friday, 30 May 2014 or to learn more about the awards, visit

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