
Workplace issues

The Association represents the industrial interests of nurses and midwives employed under all awards and agreements registered in this state in both the public and private sectors. Its role is to protect the interests of nurses, midwives and the nursing and midwifery profession.

The NSWNMA has an industrial team that is responsible for negotiation and enforcement of all awards and enterprise agreements within the public health system, private hospital system and aged care sector.

The Association has industrial officers, information officers and legal officers with a vast store of knowledge on state industrial relations law plus enforcement knowledge of awards and enterprise agreements to aid members through any difficult workplace issues that arise.

If you need assistance with an issue at your workplace, NSWNMA members are encouraged to contact us through this form.

Workplace Health and Safety

Members have told us time and time again that the current systems in place are failing and needs to be improved. Vital changes to transparency about reporting and support from management are needed immediately. Nurses and midwives deserve better and action must be taken because no one should be unsafe at work.

Public Health System

Do you work for the Public Health System?

Click below to find the main award conditions or agreements and current pay rates that govern employment within the NSW public health system, as well as a wage calculators.

Private Hospitals

Do you work for a private hospital?

Members of the Association in the private sector have managed to gain vast improvements to their wages and working conditions compared to non-unionised workplaces.

Find out what you’re entitled to in your awards and conditions.

Aged care

Do you work in aged care?

Find out more information about your enterprise agreement below.

Other services

Do you work in an affiliated health organisation, medical centre and GP service, private sector day procedure service or private sector specialist service?

Click below to find out more about your enterprise agreement.

Know Your Rights

It’s time to exercise your rights. Download these guides to know more about your legal rights in your Award.

General guides

COVID-19 & Workers’ Compensation*

The Incremental Pay Scale

Public Health System Nurses and Midwives

Public Holidays

Sick Leave, Special Leave & Workers’ Compensation for COVID-19

Top need to know Award Clauses

Take your breaks

Working 12 hour shifts

Continuing Education Allowance

In-Charge Allowance

On-Call Allowance

Are you eligible to be a CNS?

Safe Staffing & Unplanned Absences

Roster Waivers

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