Light your lamp

short-story-thumbsWhen a nurse, you’ll belong to a caring profession

On that subject, I must make a tiny confession …

As a nurse, I was proud of my good education

Diplomas, degrees, and qualifications.

Experience, too, scores of runs on the board

A dab hand at I.V.s and running a ward …

Well, you may well ask

Where is all this leading?

I’ll tell you right now, so just keep on reading …

One evening, at home, I felt violently ill

An ailment unaided by taking a pill

The pain became stronger

I could linger no longer

At home, so I rang triple O

To A&E I could see

that I needed to go

I was treated with kindness and care by those nurses

Which is precisely why I’m penning these verses.

Despite numerous years in my chosen career

I saw and heard from my bed

What I needed to hear …

smile, explain, reassure, give support

these practices, sadly, are not always taught

They help with the healing and are what you remember

Whether it’s January, or even December …

Now I’m back in the thick of it

It’s part of my nursing kit

Share a joke, give a smile, a light touch on the shoulder

Whether your clients are younger or older

We may start of well having all these in mind

But time-poor and stressed-out

It’s hard work to keep kind.

I know I’m a better nurse now than before

I’d forgotten those simple things

I now practise more.

So let’s celebrate our special Day 2014

Light our lamps round the State

Nursing power – watts the score?

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