Retired Member Activist Group

Retired Member Activist Group

The NSWNMA Retired Member Activist Group (RMAG) was formed in early 2016 to assist in campaigning on these issues:

  • Aged care – especially elder abuse and RN 24/7
  • Public health – especially privatisation of health services, disability services cuts and Medicare
  • Midwifery
  • Violence

RMAG members can:

  • Visit, ring or write to their local MPs
  • Call talkback radio
  • Write to their local newspaper
  • Attend rallies
  • Assist local NSWNMA branches with campaigns

For Professional (retired) members who elect to join the RMAG, the NSWNMA membership fee is waived.

Benefits of your membership

NSWNMA offer the following benefits to thank and acknowledge those involved in RMAG.

Why join?

Retired members have told us they still have an intense interest in the nursing and midwifery profession. They would like to be involved in campaigns and other activities affecting the profession, but don’t want to be tied down to formal meeting procedures.

By belonging to the RMAG, NSWNMA can:

  • Let you know what’s going on – and quickly!
  • Alert you to issues affecting the profession
  • Give you details of local events and rallies
  • Let you know of special events, promotions and special offers
  • Put you in contact with other retired members in your area
  • Let your local branch of the NSWNMA know that you would be willing to assist them.
Who can become a member of the Retired Activist Group?
  • Previous members of the NSWNMA – who are willing to become Professional Members (non-paying). This is a formality required under the NSWNMA’s Rules. To become a Professional Member (non-paying), please sign the enclosed form.
  • Existing Professional Members who would like to be part of the Retired Member Activist Group
  • Life members of the NSWNMA
Meet up with other retired members

It would be entirely up to RMAG members how often and where you meet. It’s probable that it will be easier for people who live in the Sydney area to get together. However there is no reason for people in rural areas to not meet up in a convenient geographical area/s. That would require the sharing of RMAG contacts with others who live within your area. NSWNMA Privacy Policy requires your permission to share your details – please tick the consent button when filling up the form.

How to join

Please complete the form below or download this flyer and return it to the Association.

Return details:
RMAG, c/o Membership,
50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo, 2017

or email

Join Retired Members Activist Group (RMAG)


The New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association operates in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. For further details please go to or contact the Association. Information provided by members on this form will be handled and used in accordance with those Principles. Members have the right to request access to or correct any personal information concerning themselves held by the Association.

Join Retired Members Activist Group
Permission to share your contact details

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