Why join

Our members, in the public, private and aged care sectors, have together achieved great gains for nurses and midwives in NSW. By becoming a member, you add to the collective strength of our 80,000+ membership.

You’ll share the benefits of belonging and can participate in the wide range of Association activities – as often or as little as you choose. Membership is also fully tax deductible!

Benefits of your membership

The most significant advantage of being a member of NSWNMA is the ability to leverage the collective "strength in numbers" of our membership during negotiations for workplace terms, conditions, and industrial entitlements.

Who can join?

Registered Nurse/Midwife
Enrolled Nurse
Trainee Enrolled Nurse
Assistant in Nursing/Assistant in Midwifery
Personal Care Worker (cert 3 or above)
Associate Member (Student of Nursing/Midwifery)

Membership fees 2025*




Registered Nurse



Enrolled Nurse



Assistant in Nursing+
Assistant in Midwifery
Personal Care Worker (cert 3 or above)



Undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing / Midwifery & Enrolled Nursing Diploma of Nursing^



+ Trainee AIN/M’s have fees waived for the duration of their traineeship

^ Students working in a nursing role undertaking full time studies in an undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing/Midwifery or Diploma of Nursing for the duration of the bachelor/diploma

*All membership fees include GST

More questions before joining?

If you are not yet a member and would like to find out more information,  please email membership@nswnma.asn.au or call us on 02 8595 1234.

Join over 80,000 nurses, midwives and carers in NSW by becoming a valued member today.

You’ll automatically become a member of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation