Nurses and midwives join global solidarity march

Attacks on penalty rates, encroaching hospital privatisations and more health funding cuts will prompt members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) to join in May Day marches and activities this week.

General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said this year’s theme ‘fighting inequality’ would focus on workers’ rights and the ongoing pursuit of improved wages, conditions and living standards.

“Over the past few years we’ve seen the devastating impacts of a growing gap between rich and poor, soaring costs of living and, more recently, unnecessary cuts to hard-fought workers’ entitlements,” Mr Holmes said.

“The Turnbull Government’s support of the Fair Work Commission’s recommended cuts to Sunday and public holiday penalty rates in the retail, fast food and hospitality sectors is simply abhorrent.

“It’s yet another example of conservative ideology to focus on looking after big business and expect the working class to do more with less. We know this is only the beginning and more sectors will be at risk of penalty rate losses in the future.

“The global union movement has long acknowledged the contribution of workers to our community and economy and this year’s May Day is no different – in fact it’s even more important that we stand up, collectively, for workers’ rights.

“May Day is an opportunity to come together with likeminded workers and their families to help build a better future for everyone.”

Sydney’s annual May Day march will take place on Sunday, starting at Hyde Park North in the CBD and marching to Prince Alfred Park in Surry Hills, where workers will gather for live entertainment and family activities.

2017 May Day activities:

Wollongong, Saturday 6 May – 10am march from Lowden Square to Wollongong Mall.

Sydney, Sunday 7 May – 12pm gather at Hyde Park North and march to Prince Alfred Park for family fun day.

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