The NSWNMA Library offers access to a range of specialised online databases that members are encouraged to use as part of their continuing professional development.
Online databases
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
The NSWNMA Library is pleased to announce that members now have direct access to CINAHL Plus with Full Text as part of their membership benefits.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text is a reliable online source for nursing and allied health information, providing full text for more than 750 journals. The CINAHL database contains thousands of full text articles dating back to 1937, as well as searchable cited references, book chapters, legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments, and clinical trials. It also offers access to all past issues of the LAMP, the Journal of Advanced Nursing, Contemporary Nurse and the Australian Nursing Midwifery Journal.
Click here to access CINAHL via Member Central, found on the CPD tab under Member Resources.
For further information or assistance please call 8595 1234 or email the Library.
INFORMIT – Medicine & Health Sciences
Informit is a portal to several Australasian online databases that cover a wide range of subject areas. The Health Collection totals over 58,000 records dating back to 1977, including general nursing and specialist nursing content.
Past issues of the LAMP are also retained on Informit and are freely available to members via the links below.
Members may choose to purchase other articles found on Informit, or contact the Library to see if we can source it for you.
Click here to search Informit.
MIMS Online
MIMS Online is updated on a monthly basis with the latest medicines available in the Australian market, in contrast to the print editions that are published annually. It gives comprehensive access to both full and abbreviated product information, pill identification and drug interactions.
A preview of the service can be seen in their training video. When you need the latest information from MIMS, the Library will be very happy to assist with checking MIMS Online, or for extensive research needs, an appointment can be made to use a computer in the Library itself.
MEDLINE is a bibliographic database created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, which contains over 21 million references to journal articles as well as some relevant newspapers, magazines and newsletters. The database scope is broadly biomedicine, health and life sciences. A distinctive feature of MEDLINE is that the records are indexed using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which consists of sets of terms arranged in a hierarchical tree, to allow searching at different levels of specificity.
The free versions of MEDLINE can be accessed via the PubMed portal or the consumer-oriented service called MEDLINE Plus for home-based research.
In addition the Library can assist with research and navigating the MeSH system, and has greater access to the paid articles which are likely to result from research using this database.
If you have any questions or research enquiries please contact the Library by phone, on either 02 8595 1234 (metro) or 1300 367 962 (non-metro), or by email.
Still to come…
The Library has access to & experience with researching using a wide range of additional online databases. These include resources maintained by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the National Library and State Library of NSW, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Trade Union Archives, and the Australasian Legal Information Institute. More information will be forthcoming on this page in the near future, although immediate assistance can be provided to members who call or email the Library.
Electronic resources
The Lamp is the campaigning magazine of the NSWNMA, published monthly (except January) and sent to every member of the Association.
The most recent issues can be found in our Lamp website. In addition, Informit provides free access to an archive of full text editions dating back to 2005 (volume 62).
Click here to access the Lamp archive on Informit.
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (AJAN)
AJAN is published by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) as a vehicle for nurses to publish original research and scholarly papers about all areas of nursing. Members can access the full text of all issues of the journal dating back to 2000 (volume 18) via the NSWNMA Members Only page.
Click here to access AJAN via the NSWNMA Members Only page. Note you will be prompted to log in with your member number and password.