People’s Climate Mobilisation Sunday September 21

On September 21, as global leaders arrive for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s historic Climate Summit, hundreds of thousands of people will flood the streets of cities and towns around the world. Together, we will gather in solidarity to remind our leaders who they represent. Together, we will be the largest climate mobilisation the world has ever seen.

Ban Ki-moon’s summit is one of the last chances for world leaders to spark international progress before it’s too late to avoid catastrophic climate impacts. We know that one summit alone won’t solve climate change, but we also know that to get real action we need to turn the pressure up. Together we must show that our people power is stronger than the fossil fuel industry and their supporters.

That’s why, on September 21, we’ll join people everywhere to call for Action not Words – action necessary to create a world with an economy that works for people and the planet – now. In short, a world safe from the dangerous impacts of climate change.

In Sydney :
When: 12pm , Sunday 21st September 2014
Where: Bicentennial Park, Glebe

Click here to join the People’s Climate Mobilisation where you live.

As world leaders meet in New York, back home our Government will be doing its best to block climate action. It’s likely Tony Abbott won’t even attend the summit, let alone put climate on the agenda of the G20 when Australia hosts it in November.

By coming together for the People’s Climate Mobilisation we’ll send our own message to world leaders. We’ll tell the world that Tony Abbot doesn’t speak for us, we speak for us and we want strong action on climate change and a rapid shift away from coal and gas to 100% renewable energy.

Click here to help us send a strong message to world leaders on September 21.

But it doesn’t end there. When you join us on September 21, we’ll be asking you to help Action win over Words. The People’s Climate Mobilisation is about taking our movement to the next level. Let’s come together to strengthen our political, consumer and grassroots power over the coming months and years.

Since the time of our first ever global day of climate action in 2009, the world has changed in some dramatic ways. One of the big changes has been just how vibrant and resilient the climate movement itself has become. Now it’s time for us to take it a step further.

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