The Environmentally sustainable practice in hospitals and community settings’ seminar podcasts
Organised by NSWNMA in partnership with Southwestern Sydney LHD
Friday 15 May at Liverpool Hospital
Debbie Wilson, Sustainability officer at the Counties Manukau district health board, New Zealand
Nurses leading the way with environmental sustainability and the ‘Global green healthy hospitals’
Chris Hill, Director of Environmental Sustainability at the Mater Hospital
Awareness, education, engagement and outcomes for environmental sustainability in healthcare
Nurse manager Michelle Skrivanic and Clinical nurse educator Alison Brannelly, Concord
Moving towards sustainability and environmental awareness at a public hospital
Debbie Wilson, Sustainability officer for the Counties Manukau District Health Board, New Zealand
Environmental protection with a focus on quality and safety
Matt Power, Group manager Energy and environment, St Vincent’s Health Australia
Sustainable health through energy efficiency
Aileen Thoms, Health promotions manager, and Terrona Ramsey, Director of nursing, Kooweerup Regional Health Service
A small rural health service approach to thinking green