The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has signalled NSW Labor’s state election result as a victory for supporters of nurses and midwives.
NSWNMA General Secretary, Shaye Candish, said the outcome would deliver renewed optimism amongst nurses and midwives, particularly those who had been reconsidering their professional careers.
“Thanks to the efforts of our members, our hard-fought campaign for shift by shift staffing ratios across the public health system just took a massive leap forward,” said Ms Candish.
“Finally, we have an incoming government committed to repairing the systemic issues that have been hampering our health services, and to rebuilding confidence and trust within the state’s health workforce.
“Many nurses and midwives who have reduced their clinical hours, changed roles, or left the profession altogether will be able to look to the future with a sense of hope, while those who have been shouldering the weight of our health system will hopefully be energised again.
“We also acknowledge all the community members who have supported our efforts to secure health improvements and the delivery of safe patient care. There is still more work to be done, but the rebuilding can begin in earnest.”
Assistant General Secretary, Michael Whaites, said the change of government would lead to better health outcomes for NSW patients accessing clinical care, regardless of their postcode.
“This is the first step towards meaningful reform for our public hospitals. Phasing in an enforceable shift by shift staffing system will bring benefits to both patients and health workers,” said Mr Whaites.
“We will have plenty of work to do in holding the new government to their election promises, and we are committed to continuing our campaign until all aspects of our ratios claim are implemented.
“We look forward to the decade-old public sector wage cap being abolished, and the return of a fair collective bargaining process for our members.”
The NSWNMA has extended its congratulations to Premier-elect Chris Minns and his incoming Labor government.
Download this release: Rebuilding of broken health system starts now