Securing A Clean Energy Future Commonwealth of Australia

The Australian Government’s Climate Change Plan.

Scientists advise that the world is warming and high levels of carbon pollution risk  environmental and economic damage. No responsible government can ignore this advice.

The Australian Government has developed a comprehensive plan to move to a clean  energy future.

A price on carbon pollution will create incentives to reduce pollution and invest in  clean energy. A carbon price will ensure that pollution is reduced at the lowest cost to the economy.

Under the carbon price, around 500 of the biggest polluters in Australia will need to buy and surrender to the Government a permit for every tonne of carbon pollution they produce.

For the first three years, the carbon price will be fixed like a tax, before moving to an emissions trading scheme in 2015. In the fixed price stage, starting on 1 July 2012, the carbon price will start at $23 a tonne, rising at 2.5 per cent a year in real terms.

From 1 July 2015, the carbon price will be set by the market.

The carbon price will be accompanied by assistance supporting households, jobs,  businesses and communities, to help them adjust, lower their carbon pollution and to protect our international competitiveness.

To assist households with price impacts, there will be two rounds of tax cuts and  increases in pensions, allowances and benefits. Significant tax reform will mean that  more than 1 million people will no longer need to file a tax return.

Increasing the tax-free threshold and cutting taxes also boosts incentives to work. Over 50 per cent of carbon price revenue will be spent on households. Household transport fuel consumption will not be subject to a carbon price.

Download and read the government’s plan below to “Securing A Clean Energy Future”.

Securing A Clean Energy Future Summary




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