Special meeting to mark 5 years of cuts to workers compensation

The NSW Government’s savage changes to workers compensation, made in 2012, have had a profound impact on NSW workers and their families.

Under these changes:

  • Tens of thousands of injured workers have lost medical cover;
  • Just 4% of workers in the scheme are eligible to receive weekly payments after 5 years;
  • Medical procedures need to be pre-approved by an insurance clerk (rather than by the treating medical professional) causing delays and refusal of necessary treatment; and
  • Payments are reduced or cut-off based on the income an injured worker could earn as determined by the insurer – even if no work is available.

On 22 June 2017, Unions NSW will mark 5 years since the cuts to workers compensation with a Special Labour Council Meeting.

Labor and cross-bench MPs have been invited to hear the stories of injured workers and recommit to the 12 Principles of Workers Compensation Reform and 5 short-term changes to the workers compensation system that Unions NSW have prioritised.
workers comp

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