Stockton Centre – stop the games

The MP for Wallsend Sonia Hornery will demand answers from the state Government on the future of the Stockton Centre, with its residents, their families and its employees caught up in a cruel game of uncertainty.

Ms Hornery will ask the Minister for Disability Services in Parliament to either confirm or deny whether the Stockton Centre will close in 2015, as revealed in media reports today, and where its 480 residents will go.

“This uncertainty is excruciating for the families of the residents, so I will also seek to get the Government to set out exactly what sort of accommodation Stockton’s longterm residents will be housed in,” Ms Hornery said.

“The workers at the centre also need clarity as they – quite rightly – fear that the Government is moving to privatise disability services. Any move in this direction would adversely affect their conditions and pay.”

“The Liberal Member for Newcastle says the changes will be positive, but how can he say this when there are no details? If he knows something we don’t, maybe he could share it with the people who are affected?”

Ms Hornery says the Government should be listening to the families who have relatives in the centre as they know what sort of accommodation best suits their loved ones.

“Top care in a secure and safe environment is crucial for these residents. The Government shows little respect for their plight when they continue to offer hazy details about their care and accommodation options,” she said.


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