Stop passing the buck: nursing grads need jobs!

The Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) has launched a new campaign called Stop Passing the Buck to protest about the lack of jobs for new nursing graduates.

There is a shortage of nurses and midwives in Australia and it’s getting worse. If it is not fixed, safe patient care will be compromised and it’s the sick and vulnerable who will suffer.

Health Workforce Australia modelling suggests there will be a national shortage of 109,000 nurses and midwives by 2025.

The ANF is aware that new nursing graduates are not being offered jobs. In Tasmania, only 30 percent of nurse graduates have been employed, in Queensland only 10 percent, 50 percent in South Australia and 800 nurse graduates are without employment in Victoria.

The problem is not new; state and federal Governments have been passing the buck for years.

It’s a huge problem: growing demand, the bulk of our nursing and midwifery workforce approaching retirement and no jobs for new grads.

How could our state and federal Governments let it come to this?

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