Australian graduates and 457 workers exploited under current laws

Representatives from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) will appear before a Senate Inquiry into Temporary Work Visas today to raise concerns about the impact of temporary migrant labour on Australian nursing and midwifery graduates and to call on the Government to protect overseas nurses working in Australia who are victims of underpayments and […]

Senate inquiry to examine rorting of 457 visas

Unions welcome the Senate Inquiry into the growing use and reported abuse of temporary work visas, including 457, working holiday and student visas. The inquiry comes after lobbying by the ACTU, resource, health and service sector unions, which was supported by migrant community organisations, to ensure Australia’s temporary visa system is transparent, regulated and puts […]

ANMF rejects pay cuts for foreign workers

More and more Australian nurses and midwives will be left without jobs if the Abbott Government loosens restrictions for overseas workers, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has warned. The Australian newspaper reported today that a range of foreign workers, including nurses, will be able to be employed on salaries of up to 10 […]

Unions call for Senate inquiry on 457 visas

Resource, health and service sector unions are united in calling for a Senate Inquiry into the 457 visa scheme following allegations of widespread rorting. “Unemployment has hit a 12 year high yet instead of tightening up requirements to import labour – the Government is trying to help employers bypass local workers in the Northern Territory […]

Hundreds of thousands of Australian workers overlooked for jobs

Unions are concerned that up to 350,000 Australian workers are searching for jobs in the very occupations where employers are continuing to use 457 visa workers. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said rates of unemployment and underemployment were rising in industries where bosses argue they can’t find local workers. “Nurse graduates, carpenters, cooks, engineers, welders, fitters and […]

Abbott dismantles job-creation opportunities

The Abbott Government’s assault on workers continues today with shocking reports that it intends to make it easier for employers to bypass local workers and Australian industries. The reports outline the Coalition’s intention to make it easier for employers to hire 457 visa workers and for major projects to import what they need from China […]

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