Nurses and midwives vow to have their voices heard

Hundreds of nurses and midwives from across NSW have held robust discussions in Sydney this week on workloads issues, restricted wages negotiations, impacts of health funding cuts, eliminating family violence and speaking out against the Border Force Act 2015. A recurring theme throughout the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association’s (NSWNMA) 70th Annual Conference was empowering […]

Family violence takes centre stage at conference

The prevalence of family violence in Australia and the importance of addressing violence in the workplace were major topics of discussion during day one of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association’s (NSWNMA) 70th Annual Conference in Sydney. More than 720 nurses, midwives, members and guests from across the state gathered at Rosehill Gardens Grand Pavilion […]

Nurses and midwives: our 70th Conference

The impacts of health funding cuts, attacks on penalty rates, importance of nurse-to-patient ratios, violence in the workplace and family violence are just some of the issues to be highlighted during the 70th Annual Conference of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) in Sydney. From today, more than 720 nursing and midwifery delegates, members […]

Nurses and midwives fight for safe patient care

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has vowed to continue its robust campaigns for improved nurse-to-patient ratios, opposing the privatisation of public health services and to ensure Australia retains a universal healthcare system. The vital role of Medicare in the delivery of affordable healthcare was a recurring theme throughout the 69th annual conference of […]

Budget cuts impact nurses and midwives

Australia’s nurses and midwives will be “the ones who have to cope with the increased load of patients who have delayed seeking care because they simply could not afford it”, as a result of the Abbott Government’s devastating Budget. That’s the message from Lee Thomas, the Federal Secretary of Australia’s largest health union, the Australian […]

NSW Labor commits to support better ratios rollout

Nursing and midwifery delegates of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association claimed a victory at their 69th annual conference in Sydney today, after successfully lobbying for political support in their fight for improved nurse-to-patient ratios. The state’s Shadow Minister for Health, Dr Andrew McDonald, received a rousing applause from the packed Rosehill Gardens Grand Pavilion, […]

Health Minister told: Do the right thing on ratios

Nurses and midwives from across NSW have called on the state’s Health Minister Jillian Skinner to deliver improved and expanded nurse-to-patient ratios throughout the public health system as a matter of urgency. Mrs Skinner was greeted to the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association’s (NSWNMA) 69th annual conference underway at Rosehill Gardens by 430 delegates with […]

Nurses and midwives vow to fight for universality of Medicare

The future of Medicare and the importance of retaining a universal healthcare scheme in Australia was a reoccurring topic during the first day of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association’s (NSWNMA) 69th annual conference in Sydney today. More than 560 nursing and midwifery delegates and non-members gathered at the Rosehill Gardens Grand Pavilion to hear […]

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