Staffing woes transfer to Wyong Hospital’s new building

Central Coast nurses and midwives hold grave concerns for safe patient care in Wyong Hospital’s new ‘Block H’ building, after serious staffing shortfalls were not addressed before moving into the facility last week. NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Wyong Hospital branch officials requested urgent briefings with Central Coast Local Health District, after more than […]

Central Coast Local Health District

Nursing Gradstart Preference LHD 1 intake (February 2022). 12-month temporary contract working Full Time (limited number of part time positions available at 32 hours/week). Positions in acute and sub-acute facilities: Wyong, Gosford and Woy Woy Hospitals. 2 x 6-month rotations in aged care, rehabilitation, mental health, operating theatres, surgical wards, medical wards, emergency department, paediatrics. […]

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