Act for fair trade at G20 Trade Ministers meeting

If we hope to win the fight against privatisation, then we’ll need to defeat the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) and if we want to keep access to cheap medicines we need to stop the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). We’re holding a bit of street theatre to help raise awareness – come watch the fun! […]

Rally this Sunday for tax justice

Why: Finance Ministers and Central Bank Managers from around the world are meeting in Sydney. At their meeting they’ll be preparing for the big G20 meeting of World Leaders in Brisbane later this year. They’ll be talking about the direction world finances should be taking into the future. The Australian Federal Government is exploring a rise in […]

Unions call on G20 Finance Ministers to take urgent action on jobs

As G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers prepare to meet in Sydney, the Labour 20 warned against complacency by policy makers that risks leading to higher not lower unemployment. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the ITUC, said that the time has come for Finance Ministers to recognise that their policies are not leading to the […]

Nurses Call on FTT at G20 Conference in France

  NSWNA officials joined nurses from around the world at the G20 Conference in Cannes, France to demand a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) on banks to heal the ails of the global economy and reinvest in health and education. Watch the inspiring YouTube video of the FTT Press conference here. Watch the YouTube Video Here: […]

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