State governments warn Abbott about GP fee

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has expressed its concerns about recent analysis from State Governments showing the impact that will be felt in their  public hospital emergency departments (EDs) if co-payments for basic medical services are introduced. Potentially, an additional 500,000 for NSW and 290,000 for South Australia ED presentations alone, according to […]

Campaign to stop backdoor privatisation of Medicare

The main public sector union is spearheading a community-wide campaign to stop the privatisation of Medicare by the back door. New TV ads launch today highlighting how the sell-off of the $29 billion Medicare payments system will put thousands of jobs at risk and undermine the privacy of millions of people. Community and Public […]

Mr Abbott there’s no need for health cuts

New figures revealing the lowest growth in Australia’s health spending in 30 years show why the Abbott Government must stop its savage cuts to the national health budget and abandon plans to introduce co-payments for basic health services, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) said today. According to the Australian Institute of Health and […]

Hands off Medicare, Mr Abbott

Save Medicare Sydney has teamed up with the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and other union groups to call on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to immediately abandon his GP co-payment plan and support the continuation of universal healthcare in Australia. With a vote on the GP co-payment expected in the Parliament within weeks, a […]

ANMF rejects AMA’s alternative copayments plan

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) today expressed its dismay and disappointment at the Australian Medical Association’s proposal for an alternate GP co-payment model and continues to oppose all proposals for GP and other co-payments. Under the AMA plan for an alternate model released today, people would still pay $6.15 to see a doctor […]

Abbott must ‘come clean’ on GP fee plan

As the Abbott Government attempts to broker a secret deal with the Australian Medical Association (AMA) on the proposed GP co-payment, all other health organisations are watching in disbelief, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) said today. ANMF Federal Secretary, Lee Thomas, said it is deeply disturbing that nurses and midwives, along with other […]

Western Sydney rally calls on Senate to block $7 GP co-payment

Working families from across Western Sydney will rally in Blacktown on Sunday to demand the Federal Government dump plans to charge a $7 co-payment for doctors’ visits. Speakers at the rally will include locals whose health conditions or family commitments will make the co-payment impact them more heavily, along with Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek […]

March on 31 August

At the March in August event in Hyde Park Sydney on Sunday 31 August at 1pm, NSWNMA President Coral Levett will speak about the threat to Medicare from plans for GP, pathology and screening co-payments as well as cuts to public hospital funding. Look for regional March in August locations.

Medicare sell-off puts thousands of jobs at risk

The Government’s plan to privatise Medicare, the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) and the Department of Veterans Affairs payments system could cost many thousands of jobs. “Yesterday the Government delivered a 12 year high in the unemployment rate and today it has called for tenders to outsource parts of the Department of Human Services that could […]

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