NSW Government - NSWNMA - The New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association

Report shows urgent need for ED staffing ratios

Improving staffing levels in emergency departments (EDs) and rebuilding the public health system must remain key priorities for the NSW government as hospital activity continues to surge. According to the Bureau of Health Information (BHI), staff experienced the busiest ever January to March quarter, with 770,089 patients attending ED for treatment. A record high number were critically […]

NSWNMA to work with NSW government on ratios implementation

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) welcomes today’s announcement by the NSW government to establish a Safe Staffing Working Group as an historic step towards implementing nurse-to-patient ratios in NSW public hospitals. The working group will see NSWNMA representatives working alongside NSW Health officials to plan the rollout of a shift by shift staffing […]

More nurses and midwives pledge fails to deliver improved ratios

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has cautiously welcomed the latest election promise by the Liberal-Nationals Coalition regarding frontline health workers. General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said Premier Mike Baird’s election pledge to increase frontline nursing and midwifery staff by 2,100 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions failed to address ongoing workload issues in […]

Tell the Government: thanks but no thanks

An imposed pay increase – with no improvement in ratios The NSW Government’s wages laws continue to deny any real role for the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) in determining the appropriateness of our pay or the merits of ratios, nor do they allow any real bargaining to occur. Prior to these draconian laws, the […]

NSW budget miraculously finds money, federal black hole still hurts

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has cautiously welcomed health outcomes and capital works projects outlined in the 2014-15 State Budget, but fears the shortfalls in Commonwealth health funding will continue to cut deep into the future. General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said the NSW government had managed to magically absorb the […]

Stealing the super from your stocking

General Secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, Brett Holmes, has accused the NSW Government and Premier Barry O’Farrell of using the cover of Christmas Eve to steal the fair entitlement of public sector workers to a modest superannuation increase. “This is Premier O’Farrell’s thanks to nurses and midwives as well as police, firefighters […]

NSW nurses ‘See Red’ over O’Farrell’s failure to act on patient safety

Many nurses and midwives at NSW public hospitals and community health services will wear something red to work today 1 July to protest against the state Government’s failure to improve and extend safer nurse-to-patient ratios and the disreputable actions of the Premier, who has sent a misleading letter on the issue to some NSWNMA branches […]

Budget 2013: sell offs, job losses and fewer services

Unions NSW has rejected the state Government’s attempt to sugarcoat its 2013-14 budget, warning that it continues to create a deep social deficit that will need to be addressed by future generations. The budget papers confirm that the Government is shedding jobs faster than expected, with more than 5000 positions cut from the public sector […]

State Government set to unilaterally impose new pay and conditions on nurses and midwives

The O’Farrell Government is using its dictatorial industrial relations laws to try and sideline the debate about improved nurse staffing and safer patient care in NSW public hospitals and community health services, the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) said today. At the NSWNMA’s bimonthly Committee of Delegates meeting on 21 May workplace delegates from […]

O’Farrell Govt says no to nurses on extending ratios

The NSW Government has presented an unacceptable offer on the NSWNMA ratios and pay claim, at a meeting held today. Two months after presenting the claim to put patient safety first, the Government has delivered a categorical ‘no’ to improving and extending the successful Award nursing hours/ratios system that nurses and midwives won through tough […]

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