Staffing concerns widespread at Port Macquarie Base Hospital

Battling excessive workloads and chronic understaffing across multiple wards and theatres, members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) fear patient safety is being compromised at Port Macquarie Base Hospital. Mid North Coast Local Health District will open extra beds inside a new ward from tomorrow (9 November) to accommodate increased activity, as elective […]

Port Macquarie nurses and midwives launch nurse ratios campaign

NSWNMA members at Port Macquarie Base Hospital and nearby community health services today launched their local campaign for a new Public Health System Nurses & Midwives (State) Award, which challenges the O’Farrell Government to build on the safer hospital staffing levels introduced in 2011 under an agreement between the NSWNMA and previous Labor government. The […]

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