Don’t sell off public disability services

Especially if you live in the Hunter region, Central Coast or mid-North Coast, come along to our public forum on Tuesday 11 March in Newcastle, with speakers including Brett Holmes of the NSWNMA. Full details below. Download the forum flyer for distribution in your workplace or neighbourhood. Keep informed about privatisation of disability services in NSW.   […]

No redundancy for disability workers

THE state government does not intend to offer redundancy payments to disability sector workers who decline to move to the private sector under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). By Ian Kirkwood in the Newcastle Herald, 3 March 2014. [NSWNMA public forum on disability privatisation at Newcastle Panthers, Tuesday, March 11, at 6pm. Read more reports on […]

Possible privatisation at Maitland

They came, they saw, they listened but the one of the biggest questions surrounding the future of a new hospital for Maitland remains unanswered. Concern for hospital, but mum’s the word By  Nick Bielby From the Maitland Mercury Feb. 11, 2014. Members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) fronted the regional cabinet meeting […]

Stockton goes to Maitland with message for Cabinet

General Secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), Brett Holmes, said nurses would be at the forefront of a protest rally today in Maitland, where NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell and his Cabinet are to meet at Maitland Town Hall. “The O’Farrell Government has announced its intention to fully privatise all state disability services […]

Premier O’Farrell needs to learn from Premier Newman

Acting General Secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association Judith Kiejda today called on Premier Barry O’Farrell to take advice from his colleague, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman, and reject proposals for Sydney’s newest hospital at French’s Forest to be privatised. “The conservative Premier of Queensland and his Health Minister – himself a former leader […]

Queensland backflip on Sunshine Coast Hospital

Ramsay Health Care’s complaint that the Queensland Government has “succumbed to vested interests” by back-flipping on its plans to privatise various public hospitals, including the new Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH), is just laughable, the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) said today. In response to Ramsay’s attack, the QNU is also renewing its call for the […]

Manly and Mona Vale – important branch meeting

We wanted a new public  hospital, not a private one The proposal for a new Northern Beaches Hospital was welcome news to staff at both Manly and Mona Vale hospitals. However, the announcement by the Minister that a private organisation will build and operate it is not. Privatisation is a lose-lose proposition The privatisation of public health […]

NSW Government in rush to privatise disability services

The NSW State Government’s unseemly rush to pass legislation that allows it to start privatising its disability services could actually put at risk real choice and the quality of services offered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), as well as good secure jobs in the sector, the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) said […]

Sunshine Coast nurses want answers on Noosa Private Hospital

Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) workplace delegates on the Sunshine Coast have met this week and want answers on how the Noosa Private Hospital’s contract with the State Government to treat public patients works. QNU assistant secretary, Des Elder, said the Sunshine Coast delegates are very concerned about the way the deal between the Noosa Private […]

Queensland nurses and midwives dispute privatisation assurances

Attempts by the Queensland premier Campbell Newman to reassure Queenslanders about his public hospital privatisation program are disingenuous and also confirm that one aim is to cut the pay and working conditions, including safe staffing systems, of nurses, midwives and other health workers, the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) said on Monday. The QNU was responding […]

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