Turnbull must reject Productivity Commission call to cut take-home pay

On the eve of Christmas, the Productivity Commission has recommended cutting the take-home pay of Australia’s lowest-paid workers. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull must now reject these recommendations and give certainty to families who rely on weekend penalty rates. “This is an attack on the pay and rights of the hardest-working Australians. Employees who work on […]

Government’s Productivity Commission attacks low paid workers

Hundreds of thousands of workers and their families will struggle to make ends meet if the Government adopts the Productivity Commission recommendation to cut penalty rates for retail and hospitality workers. The final version Federal Government’s Productivity Commission Report into the Workplace Relations Framework, officially released today, recommends cutting penalty rates for workers in industries […]

Concerns remain for nurses and midwives’ penalty rates

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) fears the battle for penalty rates and attacks on the minimum wage are far from over, following today’s release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report into workplace relations. Despite recommending penalty rates be maintained for essential services, alarmingly, the Productivity Commission has failed to identify whether nurses employed […]

ANMF says attack on penalty rates has begun

The country’s largest heath union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) says it is extremely concerned the draft recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s report into workplace relations threaten Australia’s current IR system. Whilst the ANMF acknowledged the safeguards for health and emergency workers for now, Federal Secretary Lee Thomas said the ANMF would never […]

Productivity Commission report attacks penalty rates, minimum wage, rights at work

Unions have always said the Productivity Commission Inquiry was called by the Abbott Government in order to cut penalty rates, the minimum wage and rights at work – the interim report released today confirms that. The report calls for a two-tiered workplace system with Sunday penalty rates to be cut for workers in hospitality, entertainment […]

2015 Productivity Commission Inquiry and the threat to penalty rates

The workplace relations agenda of the Federal Liberal government has become clear with the start of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into “all aspects” of our working conditions.  Our rights at work are under attack. Penalty rates are under attack. What are penalty rates and why are they paid? For decades penalty rates have been paid […]

Unions urge inquiry to protect penalty rates

The ACTU calls for workplace rights to be strengthened for women and millions of Australians in casual and insecure work in its submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into workplace relations. Australian Unions also call for the minimum wage and penalty rates to be protected as well as greater rights for workers to bargain collectively, […]

Make a submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry

Australian Unions have produced an online tool to make it easier for you to make a submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry that is examining all aspects of workplace relations. After answering the questions, these will be turned into a submission and forwarded on your behalf to the Commission. Your experiences and those of people […]

No need for Abbott’s Productivity Commission inquiry – ACTU

A new report by the Fair Work Commission shows there is no evidence to support the need for a Productivity Commission inquiry into workplace relations. The Australian Workplace Relations Study (AWRS) is one of the most significant studies of Australian workplace relations in 20 years, involving 3,000 businesses and 8,000 employees. ACTU President Ged Kearney […]

Workplace laws inquiry another attack on rights at work – ACTU

Australian Unions will use the Productivity Commission inquiry into workplace laws to make the case for significant improvements in Australian’s rights at work. The Productivity Commission released five issues papers for the inquiry on its website today. ACTU President Ged Kearney said there is no doubt the Abbott Government initiated the inquiry as a tool […]

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