Overloaded emergency departments desperate for ratios

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has renewed calls for a 1:3 nurse-to-patient ratio to be introduced in all emergency departments (ED), as the number of presentations continues to rise across NSW public hospitals. According to the Bureau of Health Information (BHI) quarterly report released today, there were more than 749,500 ED presentations statewide […]

Labor supports nurses and midwives with major ratios offer

More than 51,000 nurses and midwives across New South Wales have today been buoyed by NSW Labor’s pre-election announcement to fund a major nurse-to-patient ratios system, guaranteed in law. Brett Holmes, General Secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), welcomed the extensive ratios commitment by Labor leader Michael Daley and called on the […]

Still doing nothing for patient safety, Mr Maguire

Nurses and midwives have delivered a scathing rebuke to state Member for Wagga Wagga, Daryl Maguire, over comments he made following a tour of Wagga Wagga Base Hospital. Last week, members of the local NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Wagga Wagga Branch raised genuine understaffing, workload and skill mix concerns across multiple wards and […]

Almost 7,000 nursing care hours missing at John Hunter Hospital

Upset by gross understaffing, hundreds of nurses and midwives have today expressed their anger over patients being short-changed thousands of nursing care hours at John Hunter Hospital during a seven month period. The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has uncovered evidence of local patients missing out on 6,695 hours of nursing care from late […]

More nursing staff desperately needed at Belmont Hospital

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) is urging management at Belmont Hospital to employ more nursing staff to alleviate workload issues and reduce the excessive overtime being forced upon current staff. Fed up by a lack of urgency from management to address the concerns raised, the NSWNMA filed a dispute last month in the […]

Nurses and midwives ask Dubbo MP for support

Dubbo nurses and midwives are continuing their campaign for improved nurse-to-patient ratios throughout Dubbo Base Hospital, meeting yesterday with local MP, Troy Grant, to hand over more than 10,000 petition signatures from rural and regional areas. Members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Dubbo Base Hospital Branch have been calling on the state […]

Patients put at risk over cost-saving measures at Blacktown

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has reiterated calls for the NSW Government to introduce mandated nurse-to-patient ratios of one nurse to three patients (1:3) into emergency departments and stop putting patients’ lives at risk. It follows major concerns highlighted at Blacktown Hospital yesterday where patient safety was repeatedly compromised and emergency department nursing […]

Nurses’ overwhelming support for safe nurse/patient ratios

General Secretary of the NSW Nurses’ and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), Brett Holmes today said he is not surprised by the overwhelming support shown by nurses and midwives for the Association’s campaign to extend and improve safe nurse to patient ratios. “NSWNMA branches all over the state have voted this week on whether to endorse our […]

Dubbo nurses suspend bed closures for two weeks

NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) members at Dubbo Hospital voted on Tuesday October 1 to suspend for two weeks the planned closure of the hospital’s Emergency Medical Unit’s (EMU) six beds after hospital management agreed to try and fill, as quickly as possible, the large number of nursing vacancies in the emergency department. Late last […]

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